Saturday, July 19, 2008


Love is in the air!! Today celebrates the 22nd wedding anniversary for a couple of my friends! 22 years!!! Quinn and I will be celebrating 25 years in October. In America, this is good as 1 out of 2 marriages end in divorce. People sometimes are really just too lazy to try and work things out. It is much easier just to get a divorce. Sometimes people marry for the wrong reasons. But in the Bible, Malachi 2:16 says "I hate divorce" says the Lord God of Israel. I think that this scripture makes it clear how God feels about divorce.
Marriage is a wonderful bond between a man and a woman. The only bond that is stronger is that between God and his children. In a marriage relationship, we should treat each other with love and respect. Ephesians 5:28 says, "In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies....(5:33) However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."
Love is a wonderful thing!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! (PS...You know who you are!!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


There is a new comic strip on a trial run with the need to check it out. It's called "DeFlocked". It is really funny, with great characters. (Some of them remind me of my friends and family members--none of which are reading this now...teeheehee) Truly, if you find you like it...drop the E-N an email and let them know you enjoyed it. I really think you will.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Quinn has bought me a digital camera!!!! I have not taken it out of the box yet, but when I do and after he shows me how to use it, LOOK OUT! There will be all kinds of pics! I can't wait! But just like this computer stuff can easily overwhelm me, the digital camera will be a challenge. (Quinn gets so impatient with me plus see my first blog about me using Kristin's digital camera). It's really not that I am dense, it's just that technology amazes me and I think that I am just slow to change. Anyway, be have been WARNED!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well I have been in OKC since Sunday and I have had a blast and I really do not want to head home, but alas, I must. Chance and Kristin have a really cute apt. and I have actually gotten to relax and not worry about washing, cleaning, or even really thinking. I have g0tten SEVERAL of my continuing education hours out of the way, read a book, watched movies...Hitch (excellent), Man of the House (Great for many reasons...Go Longhorns!), and The Lake House (terrific chick flick--sorry Chance). Kristin and I got manicures and pedicures!!! Today, we are going to the OKC memorial. Tomorrow I have to leave and I will be sad :( It will be good to get back home to the boys and Dusty...I am sure they need me!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Being Thankful...

Today is a day we should all be thanking our God for the wonderful free country that we live in. Last night Quinn and I attended a Bible study with some new neighbors. We sang, prayed, and studied the Bible together. It was wonderful. Then when we were sitting around fellowshipping with the folks, we asked where they had lived prior to our neighborhood. They astounded us by saying they were "9/11 survivors"! This was the beginning of their conversion to Christ. The husband was actually in the Financial building next to the Trade Centers and the wife worked down the street. She had just started back to work the day before after maternity leave. She was supposed to have lunch THAT day at "Windows", the restuarant at the top of one of the WTC. Her mother was keeping the baby and watched the whole thing happen from her window! The trauma they experienced was horrific and the things they saw were unspeakable. They both lost their jobs and basically hit rock bottom...they came to SA because of a sister and started all over again but this time dedicating their lives to serving and witnessing for Christ and what a story they share!!! I have been blessed to have been a part of their sharing and know that we should never take our freedoms for granted. 9/11 shows how fragile our freedom is and that we must protect it. God bless America and God bless our new neighbors