Sunday, August 31, 2008


OK, I think this will be my last section on cross-stitch for awhile. In one of the other posts, I spoke of larger projects. These are what are holding my interest for now. The problem with large projects is that it is harder to just throw them in a bag and go. Larger projects have more thread, larger hoops, and usually quite a few embellishments. Usually, I save the larger projects for when I am at home. Lately I haven't had too much time to work on my larger projects. I cannot sit still watching TV. I start feeling like it is a waste of time, not to be doing something. This is when I usually work on these bigger projects. I will sometimes take them on long trips. Thank goodness, I am fortunate to be able to work in the car or the van. The only problem I have there is bumpy roads!
The pieces that I am just crazy in love with are designed by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum. Her designs are called "Told In A Garden" and can be viewed at
She divides her designs in to groups. She has Amish and teacher patterns and other designs, but my favorite is called "Lavender and Lace". These are primarily angels and they are exquisite. There is great detail and she makes use of filament and beading. I have completed 2 of these. One is called "The Wedding". (It is actually not angels...but most of the rest are). I gave this one to my sister when she got married. I do not have a picture of it, however, I am working on another one for Kristin and Chance and will post a picture when it is complete. (I have no idea when that might be).
The one I have completed is called "Ice Angel" and I do have a picture to post.

Here is a closer picture of the beading.

Here is a picture of some of the detail involved in this piece.

I think I have 18 of these angel patterns: Angel of the Morning, Earth Angel, Peace Angel, Angel of Love, Angel of Spring, Angel of Summer, Angel of Fall, Angel of Winter, Angel of Light, Angel of Freedom, Angel of Hope, Guardian Angel, and Angel of Mercy. I know there are more, but I am not sure where I have hidden them. Many of these pieces are inspired by something or someone. For example, the Angel of Mercy was inspired and dedicated to Polly Klaas.
Marilyn's daughter is also a designer. Her name is Nora Corbett and her designs are called "Mirabilia" and can be found at
I have a few of her designs and they have some of the same features as "Lavender and Lace". I am not sure if she has any angels, but she has quite a few fairies and beautiful ladies. I have 2 of her patterns: one of them is called "Lady Freedom", it is a retired pattern and "The Stargazer". These patterns are very detailed and have filament and beading also.
I do believe if I started today and never stopped, I would be unable to finish all of these, but I do love them. I hope to be able to work on them more soon.
OK, for all you folks that are finding this "stitchin' stuff" boring, this will be the last on stitching for awhile.
Good night and have a great and relaxing Labor Day!


Kristin and Chance said...

you need to get a picture of the one you did for aunt bee. that one is my favorite. :]

Laura King said...

Oh my goodness Sheila, all of your work is beautiful!! I was so impressed with the pieces you brought over the other day, and seeing these others you have posted confirms what expertise you have with cross-stitch. We've got to "work" together again soon!!