Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Back in 1981, my cousin taught me how to cross-stitch. I absolutely loved it. Pretty soon I was stitching constantly. I made pictures in frames, pillows, bell-pulls, Christmas ornaments...well you get the idea. At one point, Quinn said that I was going to have to stop because we were running out of wall space. Yes, I gave stuff away. Birthdays, Christmases, holidays, etc. to friends, relatives, and donations. I stitched a carousel and 6 separate horses and they hang in my living room. I have stitched many scenes from my hometown of Memphis. (The Memphis-Arkansas Bridge, Elvis' gates, The Peabody Fountain, The Hebe Fountain, and Carter's Seed Store). I have done many things for my kids...I stitched each one of their names and routinely let them pick out something at craft stores that they would like for me to stitch. Some of them were quite large. Cory asked for "King Tut". It was absolutely beautiful. It was the first time I used filament and it made the mask look almost real. I have done several trains for Colton and many tractors (John Deere and International Harvester) for Cody. Kristin asked for cats and "The Titanic".
Here is the last "cat" one that I have finished for her. It uses the filament (shiny thread). I haven't had the chance to have it framed.

This piece is called "A Night to Remember". It is her Titanic scene. I haven't had it framed and it will need "major" blocking because of the "lines" on the ship.

I usually carry small projects around in the car for times when I have to do some waiting...on kids, doctors, dentists, orthodontist, etc. At this time, I have found the 50 states in small projects. I have chosen to stitch the states that we have been in. So far, I have only done 3.

I stitched the "Praying Hands" to make into a Bible cover.

I found this soccer pattern and thought that it looked like fun...when I was working on it Quinn was the coach for the YMCA team and Cody and Colton both were on the team, so I stitched their names across the bottom.

Last, but not least for this blog...I stitched this next piece for several patients at CTRC. I ended up stitching one for myself, but I haven't decided how I want to finish it out.

Stitching has given me a great sense of satisfaction. When I am in the middle of a project, it is hard to imagine the end product especially on large projects. (I will tell you about my "Large Projects" in my next post.) But when the project is done, I feel a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Stitching has also been therapy for me. I relax and wind down a lot easier when I am stitching. I can stitch watching TV or riding in the car.
Hopefully, my finished products will be something that my children and grandchildren will treasure. I hope over time some of my works will become heirlooms. I guess in the deep recesses of my mind, I hope that these works will be a little connection to a part of "me" that my family, now and in the future, can enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Cuz,
I love cross-stitching also. Have a "Footprints in the Sand" project I need to get started on to have completed by May 09. But good to know that I have someone near and dear who could be a "closer" for me if I run into a problem! Heh!

Julie said...

Beautiful! Perhaps someday I will get to pick....