Friday, October 3, 2008


This is a really cool idea. There is a book called "Skizzer" that is going around on blogs. All you have to do is send me your name and blog address and I will pull a name out of a hat and send you the book. It is as simple as that. The book is very good and a quick read. When you receive the book, read it, sign your name and blog address in the front of the book and the book moves on! How fun is this! Beats Oprah's book club!
I will be choosing a winner on 10/9/08. Yes, that's next Thursday. I will be out of town after that and I would like the book to be on its way to a new reader. (I received the book Wednesday night and finished Thurday night!) It's a great mystery and keeps you reading!!
Send in those names!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today, Quinn and I got to spend some quality time together today. All I had to do was break the washing machine! He took me to the Washateria. (Laundrymat). We had a great time washing/drying clothes together! It really was kind of fun.

(Quinn was chatting with Kristin when I snapped this little photo!)

We met a lovely couple who had the same thing happen to their washer. So we ended up making some new friends. We shared things about our families and we talked about church. It was really nice talking with someone about Christianity. They are a very positive couple and attend church right down the street from us at Christian Family Church. Quinn and I were almost sad to get the laundry finished.

Frank and Alice, it was a great priviledge to meet you. God Bless You!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


That's right, my baby has his driver's license!

This is Colton signing his new temporary driver's license. We drove over to the DPS office this morning and stood in line (not like DPS at NacoPerrinBeitelDoshus). The DPS lady calls us up and viola! a new temporary license!

I was so proud! I made Colton stand and hold it up in front of the DPS office! (He was not happy with me or the camera!)

I have now "Home-Taught" Driver's Ed to all 4 kids and they are all legal drivers now. No more 7000 left hand turns, no more stops that last more than 5 minutes (and Quinn's remarks of "this is a stop sign, not a parking lot") and no more stomping my foot through the floor board on the passenger side. I have done my duty!
Congratulations Colton!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

THE ONE, THE ONLY, DUSTY! (as I previously promised)

I wanted my sweet puppy to look nice for her opening blog, so we did the ordeal that is known as "The Bath". Now if you know Dusty, you know that she loves to ride in the car and go for walks. If you say the word "Go" she runs to the front door and dances in circles ready to go! When you open the door she runs to one of our vehicles. :) But if you say the word "Bath" :( She tucks her ears and her tail and tries to make herself invisible. If I start walking towards her after saying the nasty word, she trembles. It is really torturing for me. Sometimes I won't say "Bath". I will just start the water in the tub and she will crawl on my bed and tuck her ears and tail until she sees if it is for her or for me.
This is Dusty as she is waiting for my scrubbing bubbles.

She has been wetted down and ready for the soap.

She has been rubbed, scrubbed, and ready for the dryer.

After being brushed and dried, this is my fluffy puppy!

Queen Dusty is now ready to rule her kingdom again! She will be happy with her human servants until next week and we get to do the "Bath" thing all over again!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well I was going to write a little ditty today about my doggy, Dusty, but she apparently caught the same stomach bug that I have had. Needless to say, she does not want her picture taken (as she doesn't feel well, and what woman wants her picture taken when she doesn't feel well). Anyway, I will try again later when she is feeling better.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The MacArthur Park Church of Christ Family Retreat at HEB Camp Blues

Well another family retreat has come and gone...The 2008 Family Retreat was a great relaxing weekend spent with my biological (except without my sweet Kristin :( , who was there in spirit!) as well as my spiritual family. I can't say that it started out smoothly. Quinn left at 1:30 to take the church trailer on up to the HEB Camp. Steve Swann graciously took Colton up in the afternoon. He also graciously brought him back to San Antonio in time for the football game on Saturday night. Cody, Cory, Melissa, and I, well let's just say, we kept getting detained. Long story short, (Cody's nasty leg infection had to be checked, we had to go by Walmart, had to get Whataburger, and I had to clean out my purse after dumping a 44 oz. diet coke in it) we were late getting started. Cody just happended to have talked to Charlie McComb about 9 and told him we were about to leave (not, more like 11) and Charlie was already on his way up. So finally we hit the road. About 30 minutes into the ride, Cory decided he was too tired to drive, so Melissa drove until we turned onto Highway 41. When we turned onto 41 a group of deer ran across the highway with a 8-point buck bringing up the rear. Melissa decided she would rather someone else drive, so Cody took the wheel. As we neared Highway 83, the gas light came on. Cody's reply was "Oh, there's a gas station right here at the turn off". I calmly asked him if he realized that we were out in the middle of nowhere and that the gas station would not be open at 12:30 AM. Of course, he had to see for himself...Yep, it's closed...he say's "That's ok, we'll drive to Leakey" Again, I asked if he realized that Leakey only has one gas station and it would not be open at this time. He began to see why I was so nervous. Drive on...that was my only advice. The closer you can get us there, the less we will have to walk. We turned into the camp and here comes a truck to meet us. It was Quinn and Charlie McComb, coming to the rescue. So we made it to camp and we would worry about gas in the morning.
Saturday we awoke to cool temps and a beautiful sunny start. Of course the day was filled with swimming, food, canoes,food, games, food, hiking, food and just plain fun. Then the Talent Show. I have the video to prove what great talent we have and I will try to get it on my blog as soon as I figure it out. We had a fantastic melodrama put on by a large number of our youngsters, a tremendous juggling act (Connor Smith), a family of musicians and singers (The McCauley's), excellent singers (Michael Pacheco, Sandi Peterson, Jessica Wallers,and Tamra Blankenship), a young audience participation song (Janae Smith) and of course, the "Band" - I don't know what they call themselves any more but they used to be the "Pot Luck Bellies". Anyway, it was fantastic!!
Sunday, again beautiful temperatures and sunny skies. We had a wonderful church service and communion time. Then, alas, it was time to return home. One of the "perks" of being on the committee, is that after final clean-up, there is usually just a little time to be "alone". Every year, I think I look forward to this few minutes alone with God. I have a few minutes where there are no phones, no TV, no washing machines, just glorious scenery and God.
Then the moment ends, we jump in the cars and head to Dairy Queen in Kerrville. Then as our energy is running out and the laundry calls, we fall into "The MacArthur Park Church of Christ Family Retreat at the HEB Camp Blues".

Sunday, August 31, 2008


OK, I think this will be my last section on cross-stitch for awhile. In one of the other posts, I spoke of larger projects. These are what are holding my interest for now. The problem with large projects is that it is harder to just throw them in a bag and go. Larger projects have more thread, larger hoops, and usually quite a few embellishments. Usually, I save the larger projects for when I am at home. Lately I haven't had too much time to work on my larger projects. I cannot sit still watching TV. I start feeling like it is a waste of time, not to be doing something. This is when I usually work on these bigger projects. I will sometimes take them on long trips. Thank goodness, I am fortunate to be able to work in the car or the van. The only problem I have there is bumpy roads!
The pieces that I am just crazy in love with are designed by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum. Her designs are called "Told In A Garden" and can be viewed at
She divides her designs in to groups. She has Amish and teacher patterns and other designs, but my favorite is called "Lavender and Lace". These are primarily angels and they are exquisite. There is great detail and she makes use of filament and beading. I have completed 2 of these. One is called "The Wedding". (It is actually not angels...but most of the rest are). I gave this one to my sister when she got married. I do not have a picture of it, however, I am working on another one for Kristin and Chance and will post a picture when it is complete. (I have no idea when that might be).
The one I have completed is called "Ice Angel" and I do have a picture to post.

Here is a closer picture of the beading.

Here is a picture of some of the detail involved in this piece.

I think I have 18 of these angel patterns: Angel of the Morning, Earth Angel, Peace Angel, Angel of Love, Angel of Spring, Angel of Summer, Angel of Fall, Angel of Winter, Angel of Light, Angel of Freedom, Angel of Hope, Guardian Angel, and Angel of Mercy. I know there are more, but I am not sure where I have hidden them. Many of these pieces are inspired by something or someone. For example, the Angel of Mercy was inspired and dedicated to Polly Klaas.
Marilyn's daughter is also a designer. Her name is Nora Corbett and her designs are called "Mirabilia" and can be found at
I have a few of her designs and they have some of the same features as "Lavender and Lace". I am not sure if she has any angels, but she has quite a few fairies and beautiful ladies. I have 2 of her patterns: one of them is called "Lady Freedom", it is a retired pattern and "The Stargazer". These patterns are very detailed and have filament and beading also.
I do believe if I started today and never stopped, I would be unable to finish all of these, but I do love them. I hope to be able to work on them more soon.
OK, for all you folks that are finding this "stitchin' stuff" boring, this will be the last on stitching for awhile.
Good night and have a great and relaxing Labor Day!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cross-stitch - Part II

I thought tonight I might add a few of the pieces that I have actually hanging in my home. Let me know what you think. Please excuse the blurry pictures. I am still trying to get used to my new camera!

This is the first "large" project that I attempted. I love carousels and carousel horses. I thought I was going to go nuts before I finished because when I started this I was pretty much still a novice and this pattern contained 1/4 and 3/4 stitches and also the gold filament. If you have never worked with filament, I suggest taking heavy sedatives before beginning. I still (after years of using it) get frustrated with the stuff!

I found these horses separate from the carousel but thought they went along nicely. I have done all 6 of them that I could find. Some of these may be turned sideways and I don't know why. (In my previews they are right side up--I don't know, just more confusing technical junk) Anyway, you can at least get the picture (no pun intended!)

I have done a couple of quick smaller projects. I guess you call them wall hangings. They are fairly small and these things are the easiest things to finish up. It is easy to do and they look nice when they are done. Some of them you just hand hem and some I have just "fringed" the material. The hardware is easy to find at most craft stores, but I have learned to make my own. I buy unfinished dowels and finials and stain them and then I just use either gold thread or ribbon to use as the hanger. Here are 2 that I have hanging in my house now.

I mentioned in my ramblings last night about the scenes from Memphis that I had done. I have also a San Antonio icon...The Alamo. I think this picture is really blurry but you can see what it is (HaHa). It was fun to do and the framer that I had found at the time did a fantastic job on the matting and framing. The matting is actually dark leather. I have quite a few San Antonio scenes and I hope to get around to stitching them some day. (The San Antonio Skyline, The Riverwalk, Mission San Jose)

I have one more section on cross-stitch that maybe I can do tomorrow. It is the main thing I am working on now and absolutely LOVE them. I'll give you a hint...they are large projects!! But I really love how they turn out! See you tomorrow (oops, it's already tomorrow!)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Back in 1981, my cousin taught me how to cross-stitch. I absolutely loved it. Pretty soon I was stitching constantly. I made pictures in frames, pillows, bell-pulls, Christmas ornaments...well you get the idea. At one point, Quinn said that I was going to have to stop because we were running out of wall space. Yes, I gave stuff away. Birthdays, Christmases, holidays, etc. to friends, relatives, and donations. I stitched a carousel and 6 separate horses and they hang in my living room. I have stitched many scenes from my hometown of Memphis. (The Memphis-Arkansas Bridge, Elvis' gates, The Peabody Fountain, The Hebe Fountain, and Carter's Seed Store). I have done many things for my kids...I stitched each one of their names and routinely let them pick out something at craft stores that they would like for me to stitch. Some of them were quite large. Cory asked for "King Tut". It was absolutely beautiful. It was the first time I used filament and it made the mask look almost real. I have done several trains for Colton and many tractors (John Deere and International Harvester) for Cody. Kristin asked for cats and "The Titanic".
Here is the last "cat" one that I have finished for her. It uses the filament (shiny thread). I haven't had the chance to have it framed.

This piece is called "A Night to Remember". It is her Titanic scene. I haven't had it framed and it will need "major" blocking because of the "lines" on the ship.

I usually carry small projects around in the car for times when I have to do some waiting...on kids, doctors, dentists, orthodontist, etc. At this time, I have found the 50 states in small projects. I have chosen to stitch the states that we have been in. So far, I have only done 3.

I stitched the "Praying Hands" to make into a Bible cover.

I found this soccer pattern and thought that it looked like fun...when I was working on it Quinn was the coach for the YMCA team and Cody and Colton both were on the team, so I stitched their names across the bottom.

Last, but not least for this blog...I stitched this next piece for several patients at CTRC. I ended up stitching one for myself, but I haven't decided how I want to finish it out.

Stitching has given me a great sense of satisfaction. When I am in the middle of a project, it is hard to imagine the end product especially on large projects. (I will tell you about my "Large Projects" in my next post.) But when the project is done, I feel a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Stitching has also been therapy for me. I relax and wind down a lot easier when I am stitching. I can stitch watching TV or riding in the car.
Hopefully, my finished products will be something that my children and grandchildren will treasure. I hope over time some of my works will become heirlooms. I guess in the deep recesses of my mind, I hope that these works will be a little connection to a part of "me" that my family, now and in the future, can enjoy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I still do not have my new digital son, who shall remain nameless (Cody) still has it. Obviously he is enjoying it.
The time has flown by lately and now school is about to start. In many ways, I am glad, but I am also a little sad. I do enjoy the kids being around. I just seem to not get anything done when they are around. I guess I still like being a kid and running around with them. Of course, once school starts, it's Marching Band, Soccer, Band, Soccer, Band, well you get the idea. It's just that I think the summer is more relaxed. It is also extremely hot! Boy, when these days are close to 100, I sure do miss Tennessee. I am amazed even after 13 years how crunchy grass can get when it is completely burned up! When we first moved here I wanted to add color to my flower beds. I bought and set out begonias (they take full sun). The NEXT day, those begonias had shriveled and rolled themselves underground! (I don't blame them!!)I went to the nursery and asked them what happened..."it says full sun"! Their reply, "Well it doesn't mean South Central Texas full sun". So I just bought me some silk flowers and stuck them in the beds (my neighbor gave me that hint). After about a month of that, I decided that was cheesy and threw them away. I love Texas from October through May, but June thru September can be brutal. (Although our 1st February here it was 100 for a couple of days). Right now, it is unbelievable outside. We have gotten rain yesterday and today (miracle) and just in the last few minutes the sun has come out and it is still drizzling. The rays of the sun are cutting through the clouds and striking the rain, making little rainbow spears and just off to the north there is a big beautiful rainbow. I hope all of you are having a great day and I'll be back soon.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I have been crazy busy lately. I have been trying to clean Cody's room, so when he arrived back home it would be decent!! He arrived last night at 11:30PM!! Quinn left today for Chicago on business, so I was back at the airport at 11:30AM today. Kristin arrives from OKC at 7:00, so I will be back at the airport then! I also have been enjoying my Facebook a lot lately. It is great keeping in touch with old friends and family that is far away! But I didn't want to neglect blogging. I am still trying to learn more about how to do this, so I am back!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Love is in the air!! Today celebrates the 22nd wedding anniversary for a couple of my friends! 22 years!!! Quinn and I will be celebrating 25 years in October. In America, this is good as 1 out of 2 marriages end in divorce. People sometimes are really just too lazy to try and work things out. It is much easier just to get a divorce. Sometimes people marry for the wrong reasons. But in the Bible, Malachi 2:16 says "I hate divorce" says the Lord God of Israel. I think that this scripture makes it clear how God feels about divorce.
Marriage is a wonderful bond between a man and a woman. The only bond that is stronger is that between God and his children. In a marriage relationship, we should treat each other with love and respect. Ephesians 5:28 says, "In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies....(5:33) However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."
Love is a wonderful thing!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! (PS...You know who you are!!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


There is a new comic strip on a trial run with the need to check it out. It's called "DeFlocked". It is really funny, with great characters. (Some of them remind me of my friends and family members--none of which are reading this now...teeheehee) Truly, if you find you like it...drop the E-N an email and let them know you enjoyed it. I really think you will.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Quinn has bought me a digital camera!!!! I have not taken it out of the box yet, but when I do and after he shows me how to use it, LOOK OUT! There will be all kinds of pics! I can't wait! But just like this computer stuff can easily overwhelm me, the digital camera will be a challenge. (Quinn gets so impatient with me plus see my first blog about me using Kristin's digital camera). It's really not that I am dense, it's just that technology amazes me and I think that I am just slow to change. Anyway, be have been WARNED!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well I have been in OKC since Sunday and I have had a blast and I really do not want to head home, but alas, I must. Chance and Kristin have a really cute apt. and I have actually gotten to relax and not worry about washing, cleaning, or even really thinking. I have g0tten SEVERAL of my continuing education hours out of the way, read a book, watched movies...Hitch (excellent), Man of the House (Great for many reasons...Go Longhorns!), and The Lake House (terrific chick flick--sorry Chance). Kristin and I got manicures and pedicures!!! Today, we are going to the OKC memorial. Tomorrow I have to leave and I will be sad :( It will be good to get back home to the boys and Dusty...I am sure they need me!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Being Thankful...

Today is a day we should all be thanking our God for the wonderful free country that we live in. Last night Quinn and I attended a Bible study with some new neighbors. We sang, prayed, and studied the Bible together. It was wonderful. Then when we were sitting around fellowshipping with the folks, we asked where they had lived prior to our neighborhood. They astounded us by saying they were "9/11 survivors"! This was the beginning of their conversion to Christ. The husband was actually in the Financial building next to the Trade Centers and the wife worked down the street. She had just started back to work the day before after maternity leave. She was supposed to have lunch THAT day at "Windows", the restuarant at the top of one of the WTC. Her mother was keeping the baby and watched the whole thing happen from her window! The trauma they experienced was horrific and the things they saw were unspeakable. They both lost their jobs and basically hit rock bottom...they came to SA because of a sister and started all over again but this time dedicating their lives to serving and witnessing for Christ and what a story they share!!! I have been blessed to have been a part of their sharing and know that we should never take our freedoms for granted. 9/11 shows how fragile our freedom is and that we must protect it. God bless America and God bless our new neighbors

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well here goes...thanks Julie for the urge. After viewing "Mia's Musings", I just had to have one of these "blog" things. As most know, I love to talk, so what better way to talk when I am by myself than in this here "blog"! Melissa (Cory's girlfriend) is helping me get this thing together, because I have no idea what I am doing. I also feel the need now to purchase a digital camera...Kristin had one, but alas, she took it with her when she decided to get married! Of course, I don't really know how to use it either...I always seem to put the camera up to my eye and everyone starts yelling, "Mom, there is a screen, you don't have to put it up to your eye, just look at the screen". Oh well, we all can't be techno wizards!